8:37 AM

So not a morning person...

Posted by Kendra |

I've made a daily cleaning schedule, with zones (as recommended at FlyLady.net). In fact, I've got an entire housekeeping book, equipped with weekly cleaning list, zone information, strict nap and bedtime routines, etc...but I just cannot get the gumption to get on with it.

We went to Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee over the weekend. To visit family, and go to the Grey Gathering of the Orange (tractor show). Went with DH's parents. They wanted to be up and going at 8am every day. We just don't do that lol. Our family is an up-late kinda family. B goes to bed around 10, DH follows at midnight and I usually fall asleep around 1 or 2. In turn, I don't get up until 8-ish and B until 9:30.

WELLLLLLL...with the time change, and DH's parents demanding to be up at going at 8, we were getting B out of bed around 7:30 (6:30 our time). So now that we're back, he's kept his schedule. It's driving me mad. I can handle getting up a little early, however I cannot handle the incredible attitude that accompanies HIM when he gets up early...not at that hour of the morning.

So now, I'm not only finding myself unable to accomplish my new Susie Homemaker-style housekeeping, but also my regular bare minimal housewife duties. I can hardly function at all. I'll be incredibly thankful when one of our schedules gives in. Either I'll be an early-to-bed person, or he's going to learn to sleep in. I don't care at this point, just looking for some energy to do ANYTHING. Grrrr.

Maybe I'll prep something for dinner, cooking might get me going today. If not, please keep your fingers crossed for me tomorrow.


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